What's My IP Tool

Your network connection and browser configuration on one page.

Note for technical supporters: Give this link to your customers and they will always be able to give you precise and detailed information about their connection and browser.

Your IP Address is:

Network and Geographic information:
  • Alternative IP Address representation:
  • Country: United States of America (US)
  • City: Newark
  • Local Time Zone: GMT (America/New_York)
  • International Time Zone:
        GMT-05:00 (America/New_York)
  • Geographical Position:
        40° 43' 56.28'' N, -74° 10' 24.96'' W

Flash Compatibility
HTML5 Compatibility
CSS3 Compatibility
Browser and Operating System information:
  • Operating System: Unknown
  • Browser: Unknown
  • Browser Version: AppleWebKit
  • JavaScript:

Using a computer with an IP address

Your IP address (an abbreviation for your Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet ProtocolM (IP) address) is your computer’s network address on the Internet. Computers connected to the Internet, including web servers (like www.internetmarketingninjas.com) and web clients (such as the computer on which you’re now reading this webpage) all access one another by their IP addresses. Web URLs can be IP addresses but as these addresses are harder for people to remember, the Domain Name System (DNS) was created to associate text names for the IP addresses computers use.

A typical IP address is based off of the IPv4 protocol, which is based on a 32-bit number, expressed in four octets (8-bit numbers in decimal ranging from 0 – 255), separated by periods.

Unique across the Internet

For computers to successfully access other computers on the Internet, each computer’s IP address has to be unique, just like your full phone number only connects to your phone.

Dynamic or static

In theory, the number of IP addresses available is enormous (over four billion), but the huge, worldwide proliferation of Internet-connected devices in recent years, such as network servers, network routers, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and even appliances such as Internet-enabled TVs, all need unique IP addresses. To serve this many devices, many “lease” an IP address temporarily. This is done through a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. When a device needs to connect, a DHCP server assigns it a temporary, dynamic IP address. When the device disconnects, the lease is allowed to expire and can then be used by another device. DHCP allows networks to manage and serve more physical devices than they have IP addresses to distribute. Other devices that require constant connections, such as web servers and network routers, are often assigned a permanent, static IP address, which is reserved for that device only. However, the growth demand for IP addresses will still exceed supply, so a new IP addressing system called IP v6, which is based on a 128-bit number, was created in the mid-1990s and is currently being deployed across the Internet. Most client devices today, however, still connect using an IP v4 address.

Block addresses

Each octet of an IP v4 IP address represents an address block, as illustrated by the mock IP address AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD. A single C class address block is fairly small, as it contains only 256 unique IP addresses (such as from through A single B class address block is much larger, containing 65,536 unique IP address (such as from through A single A Class address block is larger yet, containing 16,777,216 unique IP address (such as from through In the early days of the Internet, organizations needing a group of IP addresses were assigned full or partial address blocks according to their needs. As you can see, the supply of address blocks to assign worldwide was actually quite limited.

Private IP networks

Another way to stretch address block assignments was to create a private network behind a network router device. The router used a publicly assigned IP address from a given address block to connect to the Internet, but the router created a second, private IP network for all computers connected to it (known as an intranet). The private intranet network could be as large as a Class A block or as small as a couple of IP addresses. IP address duplication only mattered within an intranet, but not between different intranet networks. Several IP address class blocks were reserved off of the public Internet for private intranet use, including the Class A block range of to, the Class B block range of to, and the Class C block range of to The router translates network requests from computers on the private intranet to systems on the public Internet, and then reroute the requested responses back from Internet-based servers to the computer on the private network through a process called network address translation (NAT).

Why knowing your IP address is important

Sometimes network connectivity doesn’t work as expected and a technical support representative may try to troubleshoot your computer to pinpoint the source of the problem. Often they ask for your computer’s IP address to help them determine if the problem is with your computer, your network connection, or perhaps just the resource on the Internet you are attempting to reach. Unfortunately, trying to find your IP address can often be a challenging process. If you are asked for your IP address, you can use the Internet Marketing Ninjas What Is My IP Address? tool. This IP address finder cannot only help time, but may be essential in solving technological problems. Note, however, that the IP address provided is for your Internet connection, so if you are connected to a router, the IP address given is actually your router’s IP Internet address. Be sure to tell the technician if you are on a private network or using a router to connect to the Internet. That’s helpful information. Regardless of the specific type of network, Internet Marketing Ninja’s find your IP address tool can be a useful piece of equipment.

Using the Whats My IP Tool

To simplify the matter of answering the question, “what’s my IP address?” down to a single click, Internet Marketing Ninjas offers the free tool called What Is My IP Address? tool. By clicking the link for this free IP address finder tool, you connect to the tool’s page, which allows the tool to recognize your IP address and other network information about your Internet connection and reports it back to you in an easy to read format.

Simply opening the IP address finder tool will present you with the following information:

Network and geographic information

Additional information that can be derived from your network connection in conjunction with the Check my IP tool, including:

A small map is also displayed showing your current location when using the Check my IP tool.

Browser and operating system information for the Whats My IP Tool

The What Is My IP Address? Tool also provides information about the local computer’s OS and web browser used to access the Internet, such as:

In addition, there are three buttons you can click to get a detailed report on your browser’s compatibility with the following technologies through the use of the Find my IP tool:

Information about another address

In some cases, you do not want to find your IP address, but rather that of another person. If you want to see the network and geographical information on an IP address other than your own, click I want to analyze another IP address to reveal a text box. Type or paste the IP address about which you want addition information, and then click Ninja Check.

Internet Marketing Ninjas is pleased to offer this free Check my IP tool to SEOs and webmasters. Individuals who have questions about this Find my IP tool should consult with organization representatives. Be sure to check out the other valuable SEO tools available online.

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