Video Schema Generator
See how to use Video Schema Generator
Video Schema Generator lets you easily generate code to markup your page containing a video. This will let your pages qualify for video rich snippets.
Here's the information you need to generate the complete code:
- Name of the video
- A short description of the video
- Embed Url: Your video FILE URL. A URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the src element of an embed tag, example:
- Video iframe code - Your video embedded code URL
- URL where the video can be viewed. It can be youtube page link, a blog page with this video or just direct url of the video file
- Thumbnail image of the video
- Duration of the video in ISO 8601 date format. For example, 4 minutes 05 seconds would be PT4M5S
Here's how the video rich snippet looks like: