Full Service Internet Marketing Company & Internet Marketing Tools
Our fearless leader has a lot of friends in the industry.
The people pictured below in no way represent “endorsements” for Jim Boykin or for We Build Pages. These are only some of the people I’ve met and respect, and happened to have had a camera with me at the time.
Nathan Tyler (Technology PR at Google) and Jim
- Boston 2003
Matt Cutts
Boston 2003
Matt Cutts (Software Engineer Google) and Jim
GoogleDance Party 2003
Inside the GooglePlex
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. Signed by Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Craig Silverstein, and Google Guy.
Somewhere at Google I saw this whiteboard and quickly snapped this picture before moving on.
Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo>
San Jose 2002
Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Watch and Jim San Jose 2002
Dr. Garcia (Orion) (San Jose 2005)
Chris Boggs (San Jose 2005)
Jim and Sean from Marketing Terms (Great Resource for Internet Marketing information). New York 2004
Jim and Dan Thies, President of SEO Research Labs and author of Search Engine Fast Start. (One of best books on SEO). MSN Party San Jose 2004
Andy Beal of Marketing Pilgrim Las Vegas 2005
Lee Odden of the Online Marketing Blog (webmasterradio.fm party San Jose 2005)
Andy Hagans (link building blog) and Aaron Wall (SEO Book) (Ask Jeeves party 2005)
Same clowns as left - Vegas 2005
Benjamin Pfeiffer (Phoenix) of SEO Roundtable and Derek Chew of organic-rankings.com New York 2004
Darrin from Webmasterradio.fm Jim and Aaron Wall - New Orleans 2005
Andy Hagans (link building blog), Todd Malicoat (stuntdubl), Benjamin Pfeiffer & Barry Schwartz (SE Roundtable) (San Jose 2005 webmsterradio.fm Party)
Lee and Aaron
Brett Tabke (owner of WebmasterWorld) and Jim Boston 2003
Patrick Gavin of Text Link Ads and Jim Chicago 2003
John from Linkadage and Jim New Orleans 2005
Derek Chew, Jim Boykin, Justin Schoen, Scott M, Michael (GrayWolf) Yahoo Party New York 2004
Mikkel deMib Svendsen http://www.sma-eu.org/and Mike Grehan http://www.sma-uk.org/ Chicago 2004
Jim, Keith from RedZone Global, and Roger (Martinibuster). New Orleans 2005
Sean Stahlman, Jim Boykin, and Derek Chew in limo on the way to the Googleparty. Chicago 2005
Tony, Jay, Aaron Wall, Ecky - SEO PowWow Troy, NY 2005
Todd Friesen (Oilman), Jennifer Slegg (Jensense), Danny Sullivan, Greg Boser (WebGuerrilla), and Dax.
Aaron Wall (SEO Book) and Roger Montti (Martinibuster)
Ann Kennidy, ?, Scottie, Jill Whalen
Barry Lloyd, Mike Grehan, Tony Wright
Bill Slawski, Andy Hagans, Barry Schwartz (standing), me, Nick Wilson and Jay
Bill Slawski, Dave, Loren Baker, Chris Boggs
Best of the Web Guys flanking someone
Aaron Wall - he could use a fashion designer.
Aaron Wall, Tony, Eky, Jay ,?
Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall
DaveN and me
Sumo Darrin
DaveN & Matt Cutts…Darth Vadar and Obi-Wan?
evilgreenmonkey, me, DaveN, Becky (Dave’s wife) / Rand Fishkin, Joe, Jessica Bowman, Danny
Dixon, Ian, Rebecca Lieb, Mike Grehan, ? me, Jill, Ammon
I think she’s pinching George Werty’s butt.
Darrin and Danny
Gillian and Rand Fishkin
Todd (Stuntdubl) and ?
Brian of BOTW and Ask.com Chicks
Shoemoney Sumo
Jim and Bruce Stone (wowdirectory)
Jim and IncrediBILL
Jim and Loren Baker (Search Engine Journal)
Matt surrounded by some Cuttletts
Kid Disco (SEO Disco), Jim, Jarrod Hunt (TextLinkBrokers)
Kat from SEOMoz, me and Rand Fishkin
Matt Cutts Drinking?
Rand – and Party StormTrooper
Lee looks pretty happy here.
Michael McDonald (webproworld) and Lee Odden
SEOGuy and Jim
What a Motley Crue! Tony Wright, Chris Boggs, George, Greg Boser, Greg BOTW, Neuron
Paul Bruemmer, ?, Chris Boggs
Roger Montti (Martinibuster), Werty, Rae Hoffman (Sugarrae)
SEO Rockstars Live
Mike, Mikkel, Tony Wright
Adam, David Ogletree, me, Paul (PMAC)
Michael McDonald (WebProNews), Andrew Goodman, Lee Odden
Jim and Dave (Hawaii SEO) at Yosemite National Park
Jim, Jen Slegg (Jensense), Jeremy (Shoemoney)
Jim and Adam (Shandyking)
Jim and Kim Krause Berg
Jim and Vanessa Fox
Sean (Local Launch), Brad (eWhisper) and Jim
New Orleans 2005