What Blogs do you Read on a Daily Basis?

I just updated my Blogroll (I call it "Blogs I read on a Daily Basis"…on the left side) Here’s my blogroll (in random order): SEOmoz Blog Abakus SEO Blog Search Engine Journal Google’s Blog SEO Book Search Engine Roundtable Wolf Howl Search Engine Watch’s Blog IhateGoogle Stuntdubl SEO Consultant Sebastian’s Pamphlets Google Blogoscoped Yahoo’s Search […]


What country is your site hosted in?

As you may recall, several weeks ago I purchased a handful of old domains and we’ve been uploading some additional content on them. One of these sites has been getting tons of traffic from Google….but not from google.com, from google.ca. So in doing a bit of research (www.whois.sc) I found that the site is hosted […]


Kuala and Baileys Pancakes.

Warning total Cat Post (actually dog post). (nothing to do with SEO) So I picked up a bottle of Baileys and Kuala this holiday season. THis morning my wife decided to make pancakes on her new grittle, so me trying not to get fatter than I’m becoming this holiday season, decided to find an alternative […]


Is there anybody out there?

Twas the day before Christmas…and there’s not much for news in the world of internet marketing…worse than a normal Sunday….I hate slow news days….give me some controversy….give me anything….I feel so all alone scanning for my fix of SEO news… Is there anybody out there?


I’d pay Yahoo for this.

Yahoo’s been my homepage for 6 years now, and they’ve been my email provider for that long as well. I’ve been having serious issues with Yahoo email, (I’m sick of typing in the random charactor string everytime I send an email), I’ve tried the Yahoo beta email, but I don’t like waiting 45 seconds for […]