Linkbait, Linkbait, Linkbait

Linkbait, Linkbait, Linkbait…’s all I’ve been hearing this past week. In case your reading these words, and you don’t know what linkbait is, do a search in Google (one word or two words) for Link Bait, There’s pleanty of fresh papers on it. In simple terms Link Bait is the act of doing something that […]


SEO Contest – v7ndotcom elursrebmem

There’s a new SEO contest being put on by the V7N forum, in case you haven’t heard. The phrase that’s being targeted is "v7ndotcom elursrebmem". May 15th is the day that rankings will be checked. What type of page do you think will win it? (and keep any flames to yourself, I don’t want to hear any […]


EGOL reports on Affiliate Summit

EGOL reports on the Affiliate Summit, stating, it was clearly the best webmaster meeting that I have attended so far. EGOL then goes on to state why he felt that way and he outlines some of the ideas which he took away including information on podcasting, spyware, search trends, adsense, and more. EGOL also talks about […]