Making Millions with Contextual Advertising.

Andrew Johnson just did a great interview with Markus Frind.  If you’re not familiar with his name, perhaps you’re familiar with If you’re not familiar with either his name, or his site – then you should  familiarize yourself with both – why? Because he’s making $10,000 a day with Adsense! Read the interview here. […]


Cat Post – Thursday afternoon chuckle.

With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded parking lots, especially during evening hours, the Minneapolis City Council has established a "Women Only" parking lot at the Mall of America. Even the parking lot attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable and safe environment is created for patrons. Below is the first […]


$39 – Free Stuff and over 3,000 links!

I was over at Dan’s blog (I Hate Google) reading older posts I’d missed, when I saw his reference to the $39 Experiment by Tom Locke…maybe it’s because it’s after 2:00am, but it had me chuckling here. So, of course, my next thought after my amusement was "how many links did this net him?" Yahoo (at the time […]


Alexa Blog and Zillow (Check it out!)

I was just over at and by accident, I scrolled down the page. Hey, there’s a blog by Geoffrey Mack…and it’s got some cool stuff in it. I really enjoyed "MySpace… Taking Over the World" (It’s in the top 10 of most visited web sites!) Through Geoffrey’s blog on the Alexa homepage I also […]