It’s London Next Week!

Yippy – I’m going to London!   I got permission from my wonderful wife, and my work team at work is doing so good that I should have no worries while I’m away! I’ll be arriving in London on Wednesday at 6:40am and leave Saturday at noon. Anyone know of other gatherings during that time? (I’ll be sure […]


Cherry Picking Links – Believe it!

Most SEO’s that are on the hunt for more backlinks are working towards their goals by dealing in "discounted" link pages or they may be paying monthly fees for often "substandard ad placement" that may or may not count for much. I’m really digging doing something a bit different….I’m out here cherry picking other kind of links. I […]


Good Karma – 4:00 EST Thursday.

Tomorrow (Thursday) at 4:00 (EST)  I’ll be on the GoodKarma radio show on with Greg Niland aka GoodROI . (I think I owe Stuntdubl a hat tip for that.) I’d like to welcome everyone to catch the show….I just might slip in some ideas that I don’t post often on – like more exact ways […]


Tuesday Night Link Spammer Fun.

Tuesday night Link Spammer Fun: So this email landed in my inbox….I must be in a silly mood because I just responded for fun. Dear Webmaster, We are interested in exchanging links (indirect 3-way linking) with your site, Your link is already shown on our website, http:// www. –/links/, category: Other > Computers […]


Cat Post: It was 11 years ago today.

11 years ago today I was living in my pickup truck. I was spending a lot of time in the Haight-Ashbury district in San Fran.  It was about this time 11 years ago that I collected $170 in foodstamps (the only money I’ve ever had to collect like this). Right now we work in Troy NY – and we have one […]