Google – a touch of evil.

John Scott wrote an interesting post called "Google’s Moral Superiority". John certainly makes a point with a few picture searches. to: John also adds some strong words with: That’s not evil?The fact that they can pretend it’s nothing more than a business decision is not only evil, it’s racist. Read John’s whole post here.


Tony Hill’s blog kicks ass!

I’ve been enjoying Tony Hill’s blog for several months now….but I’ve got to say that the past 2 months Tony’s been kicking ass with his posts. Just look at some of these from the past 2 months if you haven’t seen them yet. Finding an AdSense or YPN niche that works How to crack AdSense […]


Link Building Guide and the DP Co-op Network.

Jim Westergren published a very good link building guide today. (Well worth the read!) I love most of Jim’s suggestions (he’s a very smart guy)…..but  I wonder about things like Link Vault and the Digitalpoint Co-op….I haven’t tried them…I often hear how wonderful they are (esp the Digitalpoint co-op)…..and sometimes feel like I’m missing out […]