10 Tools to Visualize Numbers and Percentages

Visualization is key to properly conveying numbers and percentages online. Human beings are visual creatures. We do better seeing representations than we do hearing or reading stats. Therefore visualization is the marketing goldmine: Graphs and charts are much more sharable than many other types of images. More importantly, graphs seem to trigger more clicks because […]


The Free SEO Plugin You Have Been Waiting For

Google search results are getting richer and harder to deal with. You cannot copy URLs of search results until you click them. It is impossible to copy the list of URLs ranking on page 1. You cannot do much when trying to analyze search result pages. To make SERP analysis doable, we have come with […]


How to Grow Your Email List

Never underestimate the value of an email. Email marketing has proven itself again and again to be the one marketing avenue that consistently brings in the highest conversions for companies all over the world. There is a reason they are always pushing to get customer email addresses. No matter the size of your enterprise, you […]


Google’s rel=”sponsored”: Are You Going to Use It?

A few weeks ago Google announced support for a new link attribute rel=”sponsored” (together with its sister attribute rel=”ugc”). In addition, they also mentioned that rel=”nofollow” attribute will become even fuzzier than it used to be as Google was going to start using it as a “hint” rel=”sponsored”: Use the sponsored attribute to identify links on […]