Linking Dirty – Blackhat and Dirty.

The past few days I’ve been working on writing the new We Build Pages Theme Song 2007 (Looks like it’ll be a Link Ninja Song). But I got sidetracked just now and reworded the White and Nerdy Song. Know that I’m not the blackhat this song is refering to – it’s all just in fun: Linking Dirty […]


Expert Link Building Can be Fun!

You could take this as a continuation of my last post about link bait. See, even from the 4 articles that I referenced that night, a few of those made statements like: Sheesh, rather you than me squire. I can’t think of anything more mind numbingly tedious, not to mention soul destroying, than sending out […]


SEO Leaders and Jim Rambling

Last week I got lucky and was voted fist place in Search Engine Journal’s yearly awards for "Best Link Building Blog 2006". Thanks Loren for the award, and thank you to those who voted! It was this award program last year that helped both Stuntdubl and me to get much more exposure to our blogs and it […]


Paid Links and Losing Trust

There’s a highly interesting thread going on at SEOmoz about what Google should officially say about the issue of buying text links. Rand starts the thread out with comments about the nofollow tag and ends with what he feels Google should use as a written statement about buying text links. Rand thinks Google should say: […]