Ninjas in Amsterdam, Jamaica, & Scotland.

Next Tuesday (the 29th) a few ninjas and I are going to Amsterdam (going to visit with a client). I’ll also try to catch Martijn while I’m there.  We’ll be there during the Queen’s Day celebration…which looks pretty crazy. Then from June 6-10 there’s about 19 Ninjas going to Jamaica. We should be booking everything probably tomorrow. […]


Buying Websites for SEO – Who me?

– I was just asked if I’d speak on "Buying Sites for SEO" at SMX Advanced in Seattle (June 3-4)… wasn’t planning on attending any SEO conferences in 2008….but man…that’s a prett interesting topic! ….. but I’m not sure if, like link building, I’d feel comfortable talking about the finer points of this….. I wrote about it […]


What’s Jim up to? I’m Feeling Lucky.

I haven’t been blogging much….sorry……ya know, I’m totally down with staying under the radar. There’s enough other people keeping each other in check that I’m fine with sitting back and watching the games being played. I’m fine with reacting internally to what goes on out there, and not being a part of the conversation these […]


If you build links, this paper is worth reading.

Sugarrae put together 11 SEO’s to get 12000 words on link development ideas. Here’s the SEO’s who state their ideas on link building: Rae Hoffman – Rand Fishkin – Roger Montti – Todd Malicoat – Eric Ward – Justilien Gaspard – Aaron Wall – Debra Mastaler – Michael Gray – Andy Hagans – & Me. I like how this interview was put together. All of […]