Create the Winning Logo and get $200

*** This contest is over. The winner was Risa Borsykowsky, a professional web designer from RB3 Web Design and Search Engine Optimization. Thanks Risa! *** I’m seeking a logo for a new website and foundation called "Give A Little Bit". I can pay $200 for the winning logo… …or… you can get a link on […]


Rhea Drysdale Joins We Build Pages – YEA!

Rhea Drysdale Joins We Build Pages!  I’m excited to announce that Rhea Drysdale has joined We Build Pages. I’m sure Rhea, like Pat, will enjoy all that Upstate New York can offer. I know Rhea and her husband are surfers…..shouldn’t be too hard to learn to snowboard …hehe.  Check out the Press Release on Rhea […]