Why Liveblogging is Not Useless or Evil

In case you missed it, there’s quite a brou-ha-ha on Sphinn concerning John Coronella’s condemnation of liveblogging. The post has been Sphunn and Desphunn. The comments are where the real meat of the conversation is. And far be it for me not to add my two cents to the conversation. Liveblogging helps people like me, […]


10 Reasons Why Your Website Looks Like Spam

I’m sure you know exactly what the Google Webmaster Guidelines say about spam.  If you’re just playing at this SEO thing, here’s the quick version: don’t trick the search engines with hidden text, hidden links, keyword stuffing, duplicate content, or doorway pages. Having said that, there are an awful lot of web pages out there […]


Charity Party Monday October 6 in NYC

If you’re going to SMX NYC, Be sure the attend This Party which donates to the Ronald McDonald House on Monday Night.  I’m honored to announce that we’re (We Build Pages) hosting the Internet Marketer’s Charity Party next Monday night, October 6, at SMX East in New York City. It’s our first time hosting a […]