Pubcon Las Vegas and Death Valley Next Week.

Next week I’m off to Pubcon in Vegas for Mon, Tues, and Wed…then Thursday I’m slipping out to Death Valley for a few days of vacation. On Tuesday I’ll be Moderating the “Hot Topics and Trends in the Affiliate Space” panel. Speakers: Steve Schaffer, Publisher, Elisabeth Archambault, Freelance Affiliate Marketer, Wedding-Resources Rae Hoffman, CEO, […]


Higher Than Deserved Rankings – Are you too High?

Yesterday I happened to be on on the trustrank page, when I scrolled over the words “various techniques to achieve higher-than-deserved rankings” in the second paragraph, and the link title popped up “Search Engine Optimization” hum…so Search Engine Optimization is “various techniques to achieve higher-than-deserved rankings“…but hey…I do believe I’ve heard those exact words […]


Link Buying for Cheap and What is Your Risk Tolerance?

The top 10 sites are all taking a risk by buying links… so, to compete, we make our clients buy content.. we give them all sorts of content.. content for homepages, content for product pages, content for common questions in the industry, content we hope will get links, etc, etc…. wonder if google will ban sites for buying content one day… hey… you didn’t write that content, you Bought It! You Bloody Bastard! ….I can see bots crawling the web with spam filters looking for words like “guest post” or “written by X” where X has to equal the site author…