Old SEO Pictures and Jim Rambles.

Old Pictures, and New Services and Tools. I happened to run across some of my old pictures of SEO people from 2002-2005….I really should update my picture page….maybe with the new site…but I thought that others might enjoy seeing my old picture page….there’s pics of me and Larry Page and Sergey Brin…and my autographed copy […]


Google Panda Update – Panda’s Punitive Punishment of Good Content.

The Panda will Punish your Good Content if you have Bad Content as well….Panda Inflicts Punitive Damages on your Good Content…(but hey, Google says it’s not a penalty…it’s just an algorithm change). On Friday May 6th, Google’s Amit Singhal wrote an interesting post on the Google WebmasterCentral Blog called, “More Guidance on Building High Quality […]