Make Your Content Multi Task

Most people have more than one single responsibility at work.  For a lot of us, a normal day consists of doing a lot of different tasks rather than one single repetitive action.  Your website content is no exception. From day to day and from user to user your content serves different purposes. But no employee […]


Weird Twitter Terms and How to Interpret Them

Twitter is the place where trends are formed. It offers one of the greatest tools for generating and sharing content on the web, not to mention a source for sparking whole movements. So it isn’t surprising that a new language has been building on the social networking site. But while some of the terms are […]


Creating Compelling Content That Spreads

When creating content for a blog or website, you now have two main goals in mind: (1) to make something that is dynamic enough to capture the attention of the reader, and (2) to ensure that it is compelling enough to be spread through the social media vine to others who will be just as […]


Dressing Your Pages for Links

There are a lot of idioms that relate to presentation. Dress for success, the costume makes the man, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. As a society, for whatever reason, we are consumed with appearance. We hold nationally televised beauty competitions and fashion and cosmetics are billion dollar industries. Philosophical debates on whether or not this […]


Useful Tools for Google’s Reverse Image Search

It’s not that often when we are really excited with what Google does nowadays. The Search by Image feature is a pleasing exception. It’s an absolutely awesome tool that works similarly to TinEye: upload an image (or give it an image URL) and find all the indexed instances of that image usage throughout the web. […]


Who Needs an SEO Primer?

As SEO service providers, we get to talk to a lot of different people. Our client contacts are frequently in-house SEO managers but not always. We often find ourselves talking to various members of the organization. One of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that when there are more people in the business […]