Ideas on the Google Over Optimization Update from WMW

When ever there’s a big Google update, like the Over Optimization / Webspam update that going on now, I tent to head over to webmasterworld and read what SEO’s are saying…yea, a lot of time it’s noise…but it’s the gems that keep me focused on reading through everything..and tonight I found a few gems there. […]


Advice: Google Over Optimization Webspam Update

Jim’s thoughts on the Google Over Optimization Webspam Update Google’s updating, look for a few minutes, then get back to work. The sky really isn’t falling, Google’s just going through some growing, and we might have to feel some of the pains. Lee point over to Matt Cutts, where Matt mentions: …we are constantly working […]


5 Great, Easy to Use Tools for Infographics

An infographic is a great way to go viral, earn links and social media shares as well as to give your content wings by re-packaging it. When done well, infographics work like magic for driving traffic and exposure. From presentation data, to visual resumes and just fun items to share through social networks, you can […]


Is the Link “Followed”?

This is one of the most frequent questions I get in my email inbox. Obviously, the question of course is not as simple as it may seem. What’s “followed” in the first place? Passing any value? Sadly, you can never be sure if any given link makes any impact on search rankings. What you can […]