11 Tools to Find Niche Twitter Influencers

One of the greatest things about social media is that anyone can become influential in any given niche. Some are even able to create niches where there were none before. It is the potential of an open media format with no real boundaries, and complete access to a target audience of any kind. If it […]


Startup Buzz Monitoring: Essential Toolset

No matter how old your business is, reputation and buzz monitoring should always be a priority. For startups, it is especially important. As you gain a following and get the word out about your product, it is through initial feedback that you will establish your company based on the needs of the consumer. It is […]


What Is a Brand-Name-Based Link? (Weekly Q&A)

There’s an interesting question being discussed on SEOchat forums: So Penguin is after external anchor-text manipulation, so you need to make sure you have more “innocent” (domain- and brand-name-based) links to make your link profile more natural. So instead of linking as bad credit loans, you probably want to link YourCompanyName.com or Your Company Name […]


13 Best User Experience Blogs

When you are making a blog or website, what do you first consider? The overall template or layout? Content and SEO? Hosting services and platform? Well, one thing is for sure…you should have user experience at the forefront of your thoughts, as well. Making sure that visitors to your site find navigation easy, information useful […]