3 Tools to Track Youtube Popular Videos

Ah, YouTube…I have lost track of the number of hours I have blissfully wasted on that site. Even when I know there is something I need to get done, and I am anxious about doing it by the deadline, I still find myself on there. It is the lure of stupid music videos and clips […]


15 Cheatsheets for Google Junkies

I will be the first to admit to a strange addiction to shortcuts. Every time I sign up for a new services, whether it is Twitter or an app, I make sure I have their shortcuts page bookmarked until I learn it by heart. I have an entire folder dedicated to these pages, some of […]


What is Normal Bounce Rate? (Weekly Q&A)

There’s an interesting discussion over at SEOchat forums discussing bounce rate. While the question does have too many “it depends”, it’s quite a valid one. Many website owners, looking into their Google Analytics numbers, must be asking themselves the same thing: When am I supposed to get worried about my bounce rate numbers? Generally Speaking… […]


7 Best Brainstorming Apps

Coming up with an interesting idea is difficult. Many of our best ideas come and go, forgotten before we really get them down. For those remembered, it can be much harder to flesh it out into something both cohesive and useable than it was to generate the initial thought that sparked your inspiration. If it […]


6 Sites to Find Website Alternatives

Isn’t it great when you find a new website you love? You end up spending way too much time on there, enjoying the new content and seeing all there is to see. But eventually, you run out of previously posted items and find yourself wanting another site to enjoy. Preferably in a similar genre or […]


HOW TO: Utilize Trending Pins? (Weekly Q&A)

This week’s Q&A is not actually a question. It’s nice tip on how to increase your Pinterest activity: Repin trending pins! SEOchat member DigitalDionne shared the tip in one of the threads: Step 1: Find Trending Pins in Your Niche Here are the two tools you can use to track trending pins: Repinly Repinly tracks […]


PR: Joe Hall Joins Internet Marketing Ninjas

Joe Hall Joins Internet Marketing Ninjas as Senior Marketing Analyst Internet Marketing Ninjas have added yet another all-star Internet marketing expert to their team. Joe Hall, former CEO of 22 Media LLC and Whostalkin.com will be joining the Internet marketing company as their Senior Marketing Analyst. Internet Marketing Ninjas (IMN), a prominent full-service Internet marketing […]