Pros and Cons of Keeping Your Personal and Business Social Media Life Separately

Somewhat recently I have been seeing a trend developing with professional accounts on social media sites. They have been becoming more personal, and that line that was once so clear between personal and professional life is being blurred. People are even inviting their clients, bosses, coworkers and professional contacts onto their personal social media profiles. […]


Google Spell Check and How it Works: Types of “Refined” Results

Google’s spell check is a very old feature Google has been constantly improving. Understanding how it works is essential for better understanding of keyword research process as well as reputation / brand management. So what does Google consider a misspelling? Google is not using any standard Grammar rules or dictionaries. It’s misspelling identification process is […]


All Your Questions about Rel=Publisher, Answered

Last week there was a pretty big SERPs test spotted from Google: “In-depth” articles that appear to be triggered from trusted sources of information: There are a few reasons why, if it takes off, it will be huge news for SEOs: We’ll have to figure out what Google considers “in-depth” We’ll have to figure out […]


Three Types of Google Suggest Results

In 2008 Google officially introduced one of its greatest features: as-you-type suggestions. It was initially based only on what people typed when searching for the same phrase as you were. It was an optional feature (you could switch it off easily using Google’s search settings). Obviously, it was huge news for SEOs as search suggestions […]


SEO is Like… 9 Hilarious SEO Analogies

It is often said that people learn through analogy, by comparing subject matter being explained to other familiar topics and lived experiences. Over the years, there have been some both interesting and hilarious SEO analogies. Here are 10 to inspire and puzzle you: 1. SEO is like Poker “Poker has managed to attain a certain […]


3 Google Authorship Tools

Google Authorship is one of the most actively discussed SEO trends today. Apart from being (hopefully) a good tool for protecting your copyright and defending against scrapers and resellers, Google Authorship is expected to be behind the future of rankings. There are a few good tools that you can use to be on top of […]