3 Useful Youtube Tools to Play with

YouTube is already a pretty incredible tool. It works as a platform for everything from sharing content to brand marketing, a visual paradise that has taken over the web and become one of the most popular social networks around. More than one billion people visit the site monthly, and most online users watch videos through […]


An Introduction to Local Search Engine Optimization (LSEO) on Google

The search engine optimization landscape has changed significantly since I originally became an “SEO” about fifteen years ago. The “good old days” of the late 1990’s, which were remarkably profitable to me as an early affiliate marketer, have been replaced by increasingly more complex algorithms and constant updates (think Flo-ri-da, Panda, Penguin and too many […]


A Look into Google Plus Link Graph and Flow

After all the talks about the correlation between rankings and plus ones (followed by Matt Cutt’s rebuttal), more and more people are talking about “Google Plus SEO” If you take a look at how Google implements nofollow within Google Plus, you can get a much better understanding of what it thinks about links in general. […]