Digital Dojo: 9 Infographics Worth Checking Out

Infographics are a perfect way to learn about new things, while also being exposed to creative and fun designs. The best infographics aren’t always the ones that simply look the most visually appealing either. They need to have information in them that readers will find value in, while also being nice to look at. Solid […]


How To Be Uniquely Valuable

This post is an excerpt adapted by Brian Carter from the forthcoming book The Cowbell Principle: Career Advice On How To Get Your Dream Job And Make More Money, by Brian Carter and Garrison Wynn. Brian and Garrison will be giving away a limited number of digital copies at launch time. To get notified when […]


How To Hire An Online Influencer For Your Company

Your company is looking to expand their content and social marketing strategies, or I assume so if you are reading this post. That’s great! Using content and social media to expand brand awareness and engage with your customers is a fundamental element of marketing in this digitally focused world we now live in. It is […]


10 Best Tweeting Tips to Take Home

Twitter is the number one tool for marketers everywhere. Yes, there are plenty of posts out there talking about other platforms, including somewhat more obscure ones. But we all know the truth: Twitter is King. It has a huge audience, an open platform, and an endless wave of opportunities for use. It is the perfect […]


A Detailed Look Into Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags are pretty much a permanent feature on the Internet now. We use them on social networks, and even on sites where they don’t work the way they were intended. That is just a part of the overall appeal… they have multiple purposes, one purpose decided through popular culture and the way users decided they […]


Ninjas Take Vegas! (Again)

We’re less than a week away from Pubcon Las Vegas and as a Platinum Sponsor; it’s going to be another year of Ninjas everywhere! This time we have 5 speakers covering 11 Sessions and, for the first-time ever, we’re having an all Ninja Panel and an informal Ask a Ninja session! The Ninja Panel, happening […]


Here’s Your Best Tool for Content Brainstorming

This is by far one of the most useful free tool I’ve ever seen! I use it daily and recommend to everyone when they ask about keyword research or content idea brainstorming. Please meet: Bulk Google, Bing, Amazon and Youtube Tool How Bulk Auto-Suggest Works Google (as well as Bing, Amazon and obviously Youtube) Auto-Suggest […]


How To (Better) Reach Out To Bloggers [Updated]

Reaching out to bloggers successfully is easy if you have a well-known name in the industry. What if you are quite new? Building connections with niche bloggers goes a long way when it comes to getting coverage and positive PR. Here are five blogger outreach tips I learned to do the hard way. Make a […]