Website Security, Facebook Business and Search and a Spanish Lack of Inquisiton

Security pops ups as a common theme in discussions this week on a few different levels. Talk of website security has been on the front burner since Google wrote about HTTPS as a ranking factor. Other issues of security, choice and prosperity have emerged this week as interesting topics for debate and discussion. Google Proposes […]


7 Best Flipboard Magazines For Online Marketers

Have you discovered the majesty that is Flipboard, yet? I am unabashedly obsessed with this content curation tool, and I have been spending way too much time playing around with it. For those who have not yet fallen in love, this is an advanced RSS feed that creates “magazines” of your chosen content. So you […]


10 Blogging Podcasts To Subscribe To

You have been trying for months to give your blog a new edge. You are trying every trick, creating good content, exploiting your social media profiles, connecting with other bloggers, writing regularly, establishing newsletters and pushing for email subscriptions, and the list goes on and on. Welcome to the world of blogging as it stands […]


Why Become a Social Media Network Early Adopter?

This autumn has introduced us to the new social media platforms – Ello and Tsu – both predicted to be Facebook killers (which we are all understandably skeptical about). But the dubious potential to kill Facebook isn’t really why both startups spur my interest: They both bring something new to the table, something that can […]