More on Mobile, Google’s Domains, Microsoft’s Browser Makeover Plus Link & Content Discussions

The impending mobile update or “Mobilegeddon” is infiltrating the consciousness of most webmasters, SEOs and our communities  with multiple threads on mobile usability popping up across the forums. People are also talking about Google over the recent ranking success of their new product, Google Domains.  And while content, linking and even Microsoft get a little […]


Don’t Miss @JimBoykin Speaking at ClickZ Live, New York, on March 31 2015

Ninjas are coming to New York! Don’t miss Jim Boykin‘s grand session including everything you need to know about Google Updates, link building and content marketing. Jim’s presentation is filled with actionable advice, examples, tools: Make sure to take lots of notes! Jim Boykin has personally performed over 100 disavows and reconsideration requests. Jim has analyzed […]


Google is Talking! Doorway Pages, Autocomplete, Blocked Resources and More!

It’s been a Google news heavy week in search with announcements and changes dominating the discussion. From algorithm changes to new WMT features and yet another nudge toward mobile friendliness there is a lot to do and consider in the very near future. With Google in a communication overload it’s a good time to start […]


New Google Doorway Page Algorithm Change

Google has just announced that they are releasing an update to their doorway page algorithm. Google provided the 5 following guidelines. Here they are below with some comments for your to consider, as you prepare for this next update. Below are the bullet points with some commentary for consideration, comment, and discussion. + Is the […]


Using Social Media For Marketing

Social media has become a cornerstone of Internet marketing. It is a method of reaching an endless amount of people quickly, efficiently, and using direct engagement. Never before has it been so easy to reach your target audience, no matter where in the world they are, or what your industry may be. The only downside […]


How to Identify Plagiarism

I am the victim of theft. As a matter of fact, I am the repeated victim of content theft. Since becoming a blogger, writer and content provider, my work has been stolen a number of times. Sometimes this has been by individuals taking credit on a personal basis for my work. More often it has […]


Real and Theoretical Changes to the SERPS, Rankings and Google’s Product Lines

Speculation and evaluation of big changes in search are all over the communities this week. The way we get search results could be evolving in major ways, and potentially very quickly. Tweets are already in the SERPs, mobile-friendliness will be playing a much bigger role in less than 2 months and Google products and teams […]


How To Build An Email List

No matter where you are in our promotional stage, you need to build yourself a good email list. Here is why: emails go to people. They go directly to their inbox, on their request, and provides them with important information and links, while giving you a chance to sell to them. All while you go […]


Content Ownership, Modern SEO and Google’s Ever-Changing Roles and Offerings

Philosophy and ideology make an appearance this week in some of the most popular and thought provoking threads. Whether we’re talking about who has rights to content when services are cancelled, best practices that stand the test of time or how Google can improve society, there’s no shortage of big picture questions to consider. Even […]