AMP as a Ranking Signal, Google Search Console Refresh and More: Weekly Thread Roundup

It’s been another busy week in search with a number of interesting Google announcements including a Search Console refresh and  a new badge feature in image search. In highlighted discussions, Webmasters discuss what it means to be a Webmaster, revisiting pixel width, whether AMP is a ranking factor, and more? Google Search Console Refresh & […]


July Algorithm Updates, New AdSense Rule, GSC Data Anomoly & RIP Flash: Weekly Forum Update

Over the last couple weeks there has been extensive discussion around potential algorithm updates in July. Webmasters were reporting issues with Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console reported a data anomaly in search analytics data. We also say good bye (or good riddance depending on your point of view) to Adobe Flash, and more. […]


Life without Google, News App Gets AI in Feed, Long-Term Impact of Link Buys: Weekly Forum Update

This week Webmaster World challenges marketers to think about how they would generate traffic without Google as a thought experiment. Cre8asiteforums members discuss if link buys in the past paid off long term. SEOChat members discuss ways to get new SEO clients, if you’re just starting your SEO consulting practice. Over on Threadwatch, a question […]


3 Studies of Google’s Featured Snippets You Should Read

Googles featured snippets are the new Google authorship, albeit less exciting because featured snippets steal links from publishers in SERPs. Whether you like them or not, that’s the change we have to deal with because if you are not featured, your competitor will. Here are three recent studies of Google’s Featured snippets you need to […]


Instagram On Bots, Dealing With Dodgy Reviews & Google To Define Dupe Content: Weekly Forum Update

This week has been the week of “what took so long”: Instagram is finally taking an action on fake followers and Firefox is finally addressing its speed issues. In other discussions of note, members provide tips for how webmasters can control for “dodgy” reviews, Google provides a not-so-clear clarification on duplicate content, and more! Instagram […]