What Were Americans Asking Google on Christmas?

Researching niche questions is a great way to come up with awesome content that spreads, especially when it comes to timely and seasonal content. Here’s an example of question research that will come in handy for your next year’s content planning. Guys from Serpstat collected the most outstanding questions with the words “New Year” and […]


Google Rich and Featured Snippets, Structured Data and More: #IMNinjas Marketing Roundup

Google has continued to focus on rich snippets and featured rich snippets – both in terms of feature releases, spam control, and general trajectory. Over on Twitter, major discussions included the role of backlinks in ranking and page breadth vs. content depth. Over on Webmaster World members discuss the likely repeal of Net Neutrality rules […]


5 Tips for a Winning Youtube Custom Video Thumbnail

YouTube is one of the most useful tools for content marketing. The problem is the high number of competing videos you have to stand out against. According to the site’s statistics, 100 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every single minute! You read that right… that is 6,000 in an hour, 144,000 hours in […]


Twitter Testing 280 Character Limit, Apple Switches To Google and Revised Adwords T & C: Weekly Forum Update

Much of the big discussion this will was around Twitters testing a character limit that is double their existing character limit. Beyond that, there was some interesting discussion around Apples switch to from bing to Google as the search engine for spotlight and Siri. Twitter tests 280 character tweets View full discussion here Twitter  announced […]