SEO – Then, Now, and Tomorrow.

SEO history based on my experience – a very late at night post. 1999 SEO – Creating 18 doorway pages for 18 major search engines. Looking at the sites in the top results and analyzing keyword density of each area of the pages, and repeating it with just a little more keyword density. Regularly submitting pages to the Search […]


Will the real link request please stand up?

A common conversation: Client:”What do I do with all these link requests I get in my emails”.Jim:”Delete them – 99.9% of them are worthless”.Client: “But Jim, some of them look good, don’t you even want to review them?”Jim: “No, it’s not worth my time to find 1 real request out of 1000 emails” Clients: “maybe I’ll go […]


GoDaddy and .Jobs issue fixed.

Due to my previous post about my problems trying to purchase SEM.Jobs at Godaddy,I was contacted yesterday by Ray Fassett of Employ Media LLC  (the company which operates the .Jobs domains) and we had a walk through the purchase process at Godaddy for buying a .Jobs domain name. Ray agreed that the process was misleading. Today he […]


WBP SEO Tools Updated

I just finished updating our SEO Tools Page on I added some of the newer tools to that page which had been missing and gave better explanations of what each tool does. We’ve got another 7 tools in the works right now, so if you like these, check back often for more new tools. […]


Kill Spyware Before it Kills You

Spyware –  most of you have some and don’t even know it. Spyware can slow your computer down, can give you annoying pop ups, can destroy your computer, can record every keystroke you make (including your passwords), which can destroy your identity and your bank account if you’re not careful. I use a 4 pronged approach to […]


GoDaddy Jobs Problem

* 10-6-05 Update- This issue has been resolved. See this post Original post:You may recall my post from last week where I thought I had purchased at Godaddy. Well a few days ago I was given a refund for $120 (the cost of the domain, but not the $39.95 application fee). My refund email […]


Neat-O Backlink Tool – V1 Live

The tool I spoke about in my last post has been fixed (with some fancy code and hosting changes). I’ve been accused of naming our tools corny names, so in the spirit of that, I’ve named this one The Neat-O Backlink Tool Checks URL’s linking in and Link Text This tool finds the first backlink from each domain […]


New Killer Backlink Tool – Beta

We’ve got a new killer tool which check backlinks as well as it shows the link text being used in the backlink. (Please don’t ask from where, or how we get this info ….’cos I won’t tell) **** Updated, out of Beta, and moved to HERE —-> Neat-O Backlink Tool <—- **** Another nice thing about this […]