Dave’s got #1 Google Mo Jo for sale

Today I got one of my favorite emails…ya know, the ones where they try to sell you Search Engine Optimization Services, and they don’t even know they’re writing to a SEO Company. Here’s the one I got today: I apologize for this incursion and hope you do not mind me dropping you an email just […]


Cool SEO Tool Updated – V2

Cool SEO Tool, V2 Hot on the heals of coming out with the Cool SEO Tool, we just updated it. We added 2 more columns to show how the top 10 sites in Google fare in Yahoo and MSN. If you haven’t tried this tool today, I’d highly recommend giving it a spin. It really is by […]


Threadwatch and Webmasterworld are Down.

Webmasterworld and Threadwatch Down. Wow, amazing how much I depend on these 2 sites for information, especially when I’m trying to analyze what the Jagger update did, and where we could make improvements at. I believe it’s just minor issues with each of those sites, but throws a loop for some of us. In the […]


Marketing your Blog – via Graywolf

I’ve very new to blogging, so I’m not qualified to speak on how to blog or how to Market your blog; however, today I ran across a few articles which will help me, and could help you too if you’re a blogger and want more traffic. Michael Gray, AKA, Graywolf, has written a 3 piece article which brings you […]


Changes and Paranoia – the sky is falling

Google’s updating, look for a few minutes, then get back to work. The sky really isn’t falling, Google’s just going through some growing, and we might have to feel some of the pains. Lee point over to Matt Cutts, where Matt mentions: …we are constantly working to improve our algorithms and scoring. Some changes are […]


Cool SEO Tool

Yes, another new We Build Pages tool ! Fresh off the keyboards is the Cool SEO Tool. Type in a URL and a search phrase and the Cool SEO Tool will show you the top 10 in Google, as well as information on each page including: Pages indexed in Google and Yahoo, Yahoo’s Backlink numbers, […]


Do you work on the weekend?

I’ve got my second poll posted on the left side, asking if you work on the weekends (I mean webmaster or SEO work, not housework 😉 Please take a second to vote. The last poll question was "What is your main Job role? (choose closest)" and the results were: 38%  SEO36%  Webmaster13%  Used Car Salesman 8%   Blackjack […]


Pubcon Vegas Nov 15-17

If you haven’t made your reservations yet, what are you waiting for? WebmasterWorld Pubcon Las Vegas Nov 15-17 I’m stoked to be speaking on the Link Building Campaigns panel again. I’m also stoked to be on a panel with Bill Hartzer (third time we’ve been on same panel), Eric Ward (the link building legend man), […]