Matt Cutts is a Mover and Shaker  is a Mover and ShakerThough Brett is too! Was just on and what did I see? (look to your right) Why is a Mover and shaker? We’ll Matt’s the Senior Google Engineer, who coincidently owns a blog at  Matt coincidently is also known at the "Mick Jagger of Search", and coincidently […]


Google Base vs. Ebay & Newspapers.

I’m sure most of my readers have heard the buzz about "Google Base" and probably lots of you have even seen some screenshots of it. According to the official Google blog as posted by by Tom Oliveri, Product Marketing Manager We are testing a new way for content owners to submit their content to Google, which […]


Help – I hate Godaddy – Need Alternatives

OK….I think I’ve had my final straw with Godaddy Domain Name Services….I won’t air the dirty laundry this time…its just not worth it. So…..the only thing I liked about Godaddy was the prices….and when you’ve got ~300 domain names, where most are registered for ~5 years, what’s my alternatives without spending tons? I’m ready to […]


New Tools: 2 Tools for On Page Optimization

2 New On Page Search Engine Optimization SEO Tools – Free! Most of our past tools centered on "Off Page Optimization" (links). I’m happy to offer 2 new tools dealing with the other side ("On Page Optimization").  Getting the right mix of on page and off page optimization is the key to healthy search engine rankings. A few on […]


Most SEO’s and Webmasters are Addicts

My last poll question asked: "Do you work on the weekend?" Results were (See details here): 30%  I never stop 44 % Often 14% Sometimes  8%  Rarely  4 % Never hum….Possible headlines…."74% of SEO’s and webmasters usually work on weekends"….or "Only 12% of SEO’s and webmasters get weekends off"….let’s see….ya….I’ve got a more catchy title […]


First clues to Jagger Update

Rand has an interesting post on SEOmoz about "SERPs you can’t understand" which seems to be actually shedding some light on what Google might be getting better at doing with the Jagger update. One of his example searches he brings up is for Edward Hopper in Google, which Rand says "The [first]page [of google results] […]


Google Update Jagger Dance Information

Google Update Jagger Resources I haven’t read them them all, but if you’re bound and determined to try to find information on the Google Jagger update then read the following. Beware though, reading the below is reading "Sanity", "Paranoia" and "Insanity" and "Stupidness" – the trick is to be able to pick out the "Sanity". […]