Screw the Sandbox – Buy an old site.

I’ve gone 5 days without posting….sorry for the silence….I’ve got a new addiction that’s been sucking up my time…I’ve been staying at the office well past midnight, and even when I’m at home, I try to sneak away to my computer to play with my addiction. So what’s my new addiction? It’s called “Buying Old […]


When will the Wayback Machine Update?

I use the wayback machine on a daily basis. Mostly to find a websites’ history for SEO purposes. In case you haven’t noticed, the last the the wayback machine shows any cached dates was in November 30th 2004. It’s been almost 12 months since they last updated any new coppies of archieved web pages. According […]


Links Within Content, Linking to Content …. a Rant.

A free flow rant——————– Link Monkey….stupid people…..the jokes on those who have, what they consider, “link monkeys” working on their link campaigns. Your link manager should be your “link expert”….an expert mind you….no freakin’ “monkey”. I find many individuals who come to us who have been workin in obtaining links themselves, or by just purchasing […]


If Search Engine Bots could talk like Alice.

Here’s an oldie I found in my old bookmarks – A.L.I.C.E (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity). If you haven’t chatted with A.L.I.C.E yet – you can by clicking right here. Isn’t  A.L.I.C.E.  kinda like what a search engine is….a type of artificial "intelligence" – you don’t always get what you’d expect, nor do you always […]


Playing with Google’s Domain Age Factor

Being a CEO of an SEO company, who does sales too, I try to be as “realistic” as I can about what it’s going to take for a website to obtain “good” rankings in places like Google, Yahoo, and MSN over a period of time when speaking with potential clients. At one point, all prospective clients all […]