Nearly 1/3 of SEO’s are new to the game.

Nearly 1/3 of all "SEO’s" have been SEOing less than 1 year. (according to my small poll). My last poll asked: How many years have you been doing SEO?and the results were: less than 1 year – 31%2-3 years            – 31%4-5 years            – 18%5-6 years            – 13%7 or more years  –   8% Do you think […]


Damned to Google Hell – Supplemental Results

Google Supplemental Results doh! They’ve been called "the Kiss of Death", "Google Hell", and "Screwed Pages" (Ok, I just made those up), but in any case, Supplemental Results is not where you want your pages to be if you expect traffic from Google. Let’s see google’s official defination from their webmaster page: Supplemental sites are part of […]


Spam in Faxes. Stop killing trees.

We’ve got our fax # published on our website, and lately I’ve been getting fax spammed. Freaking crazy. You can’t tell me that there’s any conversion for crap like faxed spams can you? We get spam faxes ranging from "Jesus will save your damned soul" to "Get good deals on traveling to florida". Guess we’ve […]


Strangest “lead” this year – WTF

I just got the strangest "proposal" I think I’ve gotten this year. Looks like some form of "My rich uncle Abdul died and we need to get 50 million worth of gold bars into the US scam thing….but they’re trying to get you to join an affiliate program….really strange! Check it out. You’re my last […]