Brett Tabke has a blog!

Just a quick note – Brett Tabke of Webmasterword has a blog, and guess where he’s "hiding" it. Nice! as he says: #  me:   Self, can you publish a blog in a robots.txt file?#  self: Sure you can. Robots would just ignore the commented lines.# #  me:   What would be the point?#  self: Fun […]


Buying links under the radar so Matt can’t find them.

ah….what an exciting week it’s been so far! All this talk about “buying links” featured everywhere. Matt’s giving the good ole Google PR advice, Jeremy from Yahoo is saying “I’ll sell links“, Threadwatch, Rand (more), Barry, Greg, Todd, Danny, and everyone else has been chatting about it. Matt’s even on Round 2 (not counting mentions in this thread) […]