*I’m re-posting this, we had a blog crash, and lost info from wed-fri on the blog…this was originally published Thursday Night.*
Darrin Ward, the Founder of SEO Chat, Comes Back.
….Like I said a few days ago, I was the second member to join SEO Chat, and Darrin Ward was the founder. I’ve been friends with Darrin for years, and when I started talking to Ziff Davis, my next call was to Darrin Ward. Darrin Ward had sold his properties to Developer Shed years ago, and Developer Shed sold to Ziff Davis years later…
Darrin and me, circa ~2005 (sorry it’s so grainy)
It so happens that Darrin lives right near the Developer Shed offices near Fort Lauderdale/Miami area…and while I was down there meeting and planning with the Developer Shed group, I also was able to spend some time with Darrin. (and a few other SEO friends).
Darrin Ward, Todd Malicoat (Stuntdubl), Me, Ninja Bonnie, Charlie Ellis – May 2012
I’ve luckily been able to convince Darrin to come back and help maintain the forums as an administrator….also luckily, in the past week, several previous members have come back to take a peek around and to give some advice in the forums…
Having Darrin back helping was a big thing to me, but also meeting with several of the current admins and moderators, and major users has given me even more confidence in the future of this community.
The past week I’ve been seeing other previous members come back as well, and some who have contributed even more to the success of the communities and for even longer than Darrin did..to me this is just amazing…not only in SEO Chat, but also in the other properties like DevShed….those people all deserve a mention as well..but for now, I’m going to take pride in saying that we’re bringing back the Founder of SEO Chat…that’s been a dream I’ve had too.
To have Darrin, and so many others put their trust in me, it makes be confident that together, we can make these communities so much better than they’ve been for years.
Here’s what Darrin had to say:
“Jim and I have been good friends for many years, and I’m so excited to be working with him on SEO Chat and the DevShed communities, because I know he and I both care about them passionately and we share a vision of what they should be.As the Founder emeritus, I’ve watched SEO Chat from afar over the years and needless to say I wasn’t a big fan of many things. Stepping back in, my objective will be to reinvigorate the community by participating regularly and helping Jim execute on the long term strategy.”
Welcome Back Darrin….and welcome back everyone else who has come back…I’ll do my best to help grow a strong community.
I’m Feeling Lucky,
18 Responses
POST: Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns.. http://t.co/EstTAnbj
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns.:
Darrin Ward, the Founder of SEO Chat, Comes B… http://t.co/USYrD4uq
New @webuildpages: Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. http://t.co/gfRLSOm4
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. http://t.co/xrRJzy3b #seo
Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. @NinjasMarketing http://t.co/65wXs8bu
Darrin Ward, Founder of SEO Chat, Returns to help http://t.co/kRtWLqLA
RT @jimboykin: Darrin Ward, Founder of SEO Chat, Returns to help http://t.co/bewWWxU7
RT @seosmarty: RT @jimboykin: Darrin Ward, Founder of SEO Chat, Returns to help http://t.co/bewWWxU7
RT @seosmarty: RT @jimboykin: Darrin Ward, Founder of SEO Chat, Returns to help http://t.co/bewWWxU7
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. http://t.co/ObJv62UD at @NinjasMarketing
Developer Shed News: Founder of #SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. http://t.co/ladbcS1Q
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. http://t.co/D3KqOQdI #seo
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, @darrinjward Returns @NinjasMarketing http://t.co/bewWWxU7 by @jimboykin
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, @darrinjward Returns http://t.co/v8gS8PqN by @jimboykin
Developer Shed News: Founder of SEO Chat, Darrin Ward, Returns. @NinjasMarketing http://t.co/Y9FLLNDT
Founder of SEO Chat @DarrinJWard returns to the Developer Shed network http://t.co/6t61rzup
RT @Developer_Shed: Founder of #SEO Chat @DarrinJWard returns to the Developer Shed network http://t.co/4oeGum87
Thanks for sharing. Good thing, there’s a place where all who are passionate about SEO can gather! 🙂
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