Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog

Inspiring Content Marketing: Just Do It!

iworldI read a really SEO- inspirational story on this week about musician Matt Farley, who made $27,000 making music on the side, and getting it on spotify and iTunes, after noticing that people type in ‘weird stuff’. High five to Matt Farley for leveraging the long tail of iTunes and Spotify!

Some cool takeaways for the rest of us

a) Dive in even if you suck at first

When ever you start a new activity, it is often accompanied by an initial bumpy layer, where you, well… suck at it but with enough effort you get it. So many marketers leave traffic and commercial opportunities on the table by simply sticking with what they’re good at or what they know.

Some examples I see most common are:

  • >> Not making videos in a vertical that has a lot of universal search
  • >> Not branching out into social or content marketing (yes, even if you’re b2b)

This year, try something out of the box.

b) Sometime More….is MORE

Matt Farley who has a day job will record 200 songs this month (although, by self admission, not all of them will be that great)…. how much content will you be adding to your website this month – text, video, image, anything? The lesson here is that not all your content needs to be prize winning, sometimes more content is MORE…

(I do want to quick distinguish here that more content is not equivalent to adding tons of thin pages to you site – you don’t want to catch a panda case ;))

Check out more details here:


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