Using Social Media For Marketing

Social media has become a cornerstone of Internet marketing. It is a method of reaching an endless amount of people quickly, efficiently, and using direct engagement. Never before has it been so easy to reach your target audience, no matter where in the world they are, or what your industry may be. The only downside […]


How Can Social Media Help Your Business?

It is hard to believe that anyone isn’t really on board with social media, but a lot of businesses haven’t quite managed to settle of a solid strategy. Small or local businesses in particular tend to create a page, and never come up with a cohesive way to work it to their advantage. Hiring an […]


Why Become a Social Media Network Early Adopter?

This autumn has introduced us to the new social media platforms – Ello and Tsu – both predicted to be Facebook killers (which we are all understandably skeptical about). But the dubious potential to kill Facebook isn’t really why both startups spur my interest: They both bring something new to the table, something that can […]


10 Best Tweeting Tips to Take Home

Twitter is the number one tool for marketers everywhere. Yes, there are plenty of posts out there talking about other platforms, including somewhat more obscure ones. But we all know the truth: Twitter is King. It has a huge audience, an open platform, and an endless wave of opportunities for use. It is the perfect […]


A Detailed Look Into Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags are pretty much a permanent feature on the Internet now. We use them on social networks, and even on sites where they don’t work the way they were intended. That is just a part of the overall appeal… they have multiple purposes, one purpose decided through popular culture and the way users decided they […]