Three Time-Saving Youtube Search Tools to Bookmark

Youtube stores lots of valuable information. I find myself searching Youtube more and more often. It’s an awesome way to enhance your research, check your competitors’ visual tactics and even manage your own product reputation. For some reason, Youtube’s own search engine has always been somewhat lacking and while it has nice filters and supports […]


Guide to the Top SEO Tools

SEO is among one of the biggest concerns for anyone who is running an online business or website. While there are plenty of marketing techniques that are important, particularly content and social, search ranking is still a crucial element to netting yourself a strong audience. After all, not everyone is going to come across your […]


5 Awesome Google Spreadsheet Addons for Keyword Research

Who doesn’t love Google Spreadsheets? For their awesome live collaboration features, fast performance and usability I consider them to be one of the best Google’s products. I have already listed Google Docs addons. In this article, I am listing some of the most useful Google Spreadsheet addons that can help you with keyword research: 1. […]


Free and Useful On-Page Optimization Tools

On-page SEO is one of those elements to any campaign that is unavoidable. It doesn’t matter if you are running a shop, a blog, or a service. Without making sure search bots can understand and read your pages correctly, all other efforts won’t be as efficient (or complete). The entire tools section here is a […]


3 Google Authorship Tools

Google Authorship is one of the most actively discussed SEO trends today. Apart from being (hopefully) a good tool for protecting your copyright and defending against scrapers and resellers, Google Authorship is expected to be behind the future of rankings. There are a few good tools that you can use to be on top of […]


4 Useful Creative Commons Browser Plugins

While the open source nature of the Internet is continuing, and in many ways expanding thanks to developers efforts and demand, it isn’t always easy to find something that is truly covered under creative commons licensing. This is because a lot of sites or businesses will offer something for ‘free’, and that is mistaken for […]


5 Text-Only Browsers

There are quite a few uses of text-only browsers: Quickly check if links are visible and can be crawled (and which of them comes on top of the page) Use the tools to test the accessibility of your pages Use the tools for clutter-free browsing and reading (Text-only browsers eliminate all images, video, audio and […]


5 Ways to Use Reverse Image Search

Since I discovered the joys of reverse image searching as well as various reverse image search tools, it has actually sparked my creativity giving me more and more ideas where it may come in handy. Here are five ways to use reverse image search for your own benefit. 1. Finding Original Sources (& Duplicate Content) […]