Don’t Miss Ninjas at #Pubcon New Orleans!

Next week Ninjas rock Pubcon! In order not to offend other event hosts, we won’t say that’s our favorite conference but the fact is you will see THAT many ninjas nowhere else! Come to hear and speak us: Bookmark or print this page to hear ninjas speaking! ***If you are Threadwatch member, click “I am […]


PubCon Charity Party Wednesday October 17th – Save the Pandas and Penguins!

There is nothing a ninja loves more than a party, unless of course it’s a charity party! So that’s exactly what we’re doing at PubCon Vegas this year. As part of our ritual conference prep for any trip we pay close attention to all the night time parties networking events. During our research we saw […]


London SES: Link Building – Methods and Risks with Jim Boykin – Feb

It’s funny…I’ve been looking at a lot of internet marketing conferences for 2010….and it’s amazing the percentage of Social Media panels compared to “Organic search engine rankings” panels… it seems like 85% of all panels are “social media” related, 14 percent are ppc, analytics, usability, other marketing topics”, and 2% are “organic rankings” topics. I […]


Pubcon Las Vegas and Death Valley Next Week.

Next week I’m off to Pubcon in Vegas for Mon, Tues, and Wed…then Thursday I’m slipping out to Death Valley for a few days of vacation. On Tuesday I’ll be Moderating the “Hot Topics and Trends in the Affiliate Space” panel. Speakers: Steve Schaffer, Publisher, Elisabeth Archambault, Freelance Affiliate Marketer, Wedding-Resources Rae Hoffman, CEO, […]


Why Liveblogging is Not Useless or Evil

In case you missed it, there’s quite a brou-ha-ha on Sphinn concerning John Coronella’s condemnation of liveblogging. The post has been Sphunn and Desphunn. The comments are where the real meat of the conversation is. And far be it for me not to add my two cents to the conversation. Liveblogging helps people like me, […]