How to Do Link Building in 2022-2023

How should we be doing link building in late 2022 and into 2023? Jim Boykin, CEO of Internet Marketing Ninjas, and Ann Smarty, IMN’s analyst, discuss how link building should work (and how we don’t recommend it working). Link building starts with creating something linkworthy. This could be a very useful tutorial, a niche report, […]


My Competitors’ Backlinks are Manipulative. What should I do?

Most businesses look at their competitors’ backlinks. And in many cases, the common question is “Why doesn’t Google take any action against my competitor’s manipulative links?” Jim Boykin, CEO of Internet Marketing Ninjas, and Ann Smarty, IMN’s analyst, discuss competitive backlink research and how to interpret it these days. Whenever you do a competitive backlink […]


Is there Value in NoFollow Links (and Google Link Attributes) ?

Google has encouraged website owners to use “nofollow” link attribute for years to mark self-serving, user-generated and paid links. Then in 2019, they added two more link attributes – rel=”sponsored” and rel=”ugc” – that would allow them to better understand link graphs. When introducing the two extra link attributes, Google also pointed out that they […]


Make The Most Of How You Link

Linking is art… You may fail to realize that but linking is much more than just providing more context to whatever you are writing about. Linking is the way to bring up your old content, make your site more trustworthy and, yes, build connections with niche influencers. Here are a few tips for you to […]