Online Video Optimization
Written By, Usability Ninja Karina As the technology of the web advances, online videos are growing in popularity, thus an increased importance is placed on video optimization. Getting your videos to rank well in a search engine will bring your website more visibility. You should think of video as content. We all know that “Content […]
Nature vs. Nurture – Old Sites, Exact Matches, Branded Sites, and You
Nature vs. Nurture, it has been argued in the liberal arts since the 1800’s: are we defined by some inherent features of our being or are we a product of our environment. Can a new website out rank an aged website? Can you beat that exact match site that just won’t budge? Can a non-branded […]
When Is Fixing Duplicate Content Issues Really Worth My Time ?
Duplicate content is a loaded topic, it comes in so many different styles and flavors. One thing is true though, it sucks fixing these issues more often than not! (very rarely is it as easy as tucking something behind a robots.txt exclusion). It takes up your time analyzing, it takes up your developers time, sometimes […]
The SEO Mirror Test – Is Your Website Really Breathing??
A while ago, while on a flight somewhere, I forget where now, I picked up a book titled The Mirror Test: Is Your Business Really Breathing by Jeffery W. Hayzlett. You know those little airport micro bookstores where you try to kill part of your 3 hour layover, yeah, one of those. This particular book […]
Google Panda Update: Machine Learning and Tree Structures, oh my!
By Ninja Bonnie Machine learning is using a computer to recognize patterns in data, to then make predictions about new data, based on the pattern recognized or learned from prior chosen training datasets. One of the ways that Google uses machine learning algorithms in search is to analyze historical data from the logs they keep […]
A short and sweet list of some of my fav free SEO tools
my favorite, absolute FAVORITE, free SEO tools , web design tools, and something for my affiliate people
The Blekko SEO Guide You’ve Been Waiting To Read
It’s a funny time to let your search engine loose for public beta, right when another one, cuil, shuts down its servers.
What’s Google Suggest Telling You About Your Site – What are You Doing About It?
Google Suggust: you love it or hate it. In this post, I talk about the role Google Suggest plays in reputation management and what you can do about it. I also talk about how to use it for keyword research, and I share what I think the four best tools are to take advantage of what Google Suggest offers.
Facebook and Bing – The Unholy Union (or is it?)
Now that’s a powerful proposition on the face of it: being able to see what your friends ‘like’ in the SERP’s.